Iklan Utama

Jumat, 19 September 2008

Movie news : Harpot Move to 2009 is a Gift for Madagascar 2

Manager Dreamworks girang banget akibat diundurnya Harry Potter sehingga Madagascar 2 nggak punya saingan ..... dari segi bisnis sih wajar2 aja ... tapi please dech ... sounds rada norak dech .... hehehe ....

Katzenberg Welcomes "Gift" From Rival
18 September 2008 10:37 AM, PDT
DreamWorks Animation chief Jeffrey Katzenberg said Wednesday that Warner Bros.' decision to move the opening of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to July 17 from November 21 represented the "single greatest Christmas gift ever in my 35 years in the movie business." Speaking at a Goldman Sachs investors conference in New York, Katzenberg noted that his rival's decision removed much of the competition for the family audience from his own studio's Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa. The November 7 opening for that film, he predicted, will now be "bigger than we anticipated and it will have a bigger multiplier on it." (A multiplier is the expected earnings of a film based on its opening weekend; a 4 multiplier means that the film is expected to earn four times the amount of its opening weekend during its entire run.) The Potter film was to have opened two weeks after the Madagascar sequel. Katzenberg also used the occasion to boost 3-D movies again calling them, "the game changer our industry is looking for."

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